Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Critique from New Zealand Reader

Hi Jesse;

I just finished "Bombshells". Congratulations. I'm really proud of
you. The writing is all first class, interesting, moving, powerful
without exception. I hope that this unique collection is widely
purchased and read because it certainly deserves to be. And I hope, as
you say at the end, that it's just the beginning of more along these
lines. Again, congratulations and great work.

All best from down under,


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Deep Sea Fishing in Mexico

Doc went to Mexico to deep sea fish. It took 4 hours to cross the border back. Hopefully he has many fish, I'll eat them, he won't eat them! as soon as there are pics, I'll post them. He fished, drank beer and played cards for 3 days.

Thank you to the folks out there reading the books and writing reviews! I am hoping Missy and I can sew up summer book tour stuff soon.

My best bud from Grad school came up and we made spoken word MP4s, which probably sounds interesting to some people.... I'll let you know. I made an Mp4 of two of the poems in BOMBSHELLS. I'll try to do another, but I am not quite ready to post it. Any interest?
I am not sure how to post an MP4 file, but that is what I have. I make a recording of Infantryman and At Night Stars Forget. I can probably send them to you if you email me.

So, if Missy and I do a west coast tour, mainly near bases, where should we make sure to stop?
PS, not entering this as a new post... Doc is back. He is happy with fish tacos. He came back hairy and tanned, and with the deep glow that men have when they win the war of man against nature. He is very proud of his fishified conquest! I have eaten 4 fish tacos, and after a few hour break, I am on my way to have more.

I don't know what all of it is...Lincod? fish? It all looks like fish. So what else can I make aside from fish tacos?